The inexpensive, lightweight Mini-Rooter Pro from General Pipe Cleaners has lots of timesaving features. For instance, you can remove the drum in seconds for more portability or to switch to a different diameter cable — with no mess and no lost time. A distributor tube inside the drum allows you to feed cable in and out without chucking and releasing the cable every few feet, so you finish quicker. An optional Power Cable Feed drives and retracts the cable at up to 16 feet per minute.
The drum carries up to 75 feet of 3/8-inch cable to clear 2- to 3-inch lines, or 50 feet of 1/2-inch cable for heavier work in 4-inch lines. For small drain work, you can order your Mini-Rooter Pro with a J-Drum for handling smaller, more flexible 1/4- and 5/16-inch 50-foot cables.
For more information, call the Drain Brains at General at 800-245-6200.