In this week's sewer and water news, the town of Dalton, Wisconsin, will abandon its public water service; and a stationary engineer in New York clocks 1,992 hours of overtime in a single year
Also in this week's sewer and water news, Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority is considering a private partnership to alleviate the strain of $2 billion in necessary infrastructure upgrades
Also in this week's sewer and water news, the household of an Austin, Texas, lawmaker is found to have used more water than any other single-family home in the city during 2017
Also in this week's sewer and water news, an Arizona man falls 20 feet into a lift station and breaks his leg; and New York City wants payment for a squatter's $25,000 water bill
The pilot project's 20 acres of grassy plots keep 300,000 gallons of water out of the collections system during heavy rains
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a New York senator proposes using money gained via sports betting to fund clean water infrastructure; and Purdue researchers publish a study on safety concerns related to the CIPP process
New York utility’s recent radio interview highlights emphasis on public education
Crushed porcelain from old toilets taken out of city schools is incorporated into rain gardens
The New York City Department of Environmental Protection is preparing to debut a new outreach campaign that will enlist volunteers to curtail their water use during rainstorms
Syracuse, New York, partners with the University of Chicago on a data algorithm that predicts which pipes are at the highest risk of failure