In a world where severe storms are becoming more and more frequent, upgrades to sewer and water infrastructure are more and more imperative
Even though the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, hasn't raised water/sewer rates in 10 years, residents are anxious about the money being spent on pipeline restorations
Now retiring after 27 years as a water resources manager, Kathleen Cahall says they're having difficulty filling her position
Over 400 extra people were at facility for customer conference, only minor injuries reported
Putting thought into public education and outreach will help your utility succeed
From leak detection and locating to correlating and logging, here’s a breakdown of the tools that can help you serve your utility customers' water loss management efforts
A comic book and art exhibit paint an accessible picture of municipal sewer systems
The pilot project's 20 acres of grassy plots keep 300,000 gallons of water out of the collections system during heavy rains