Internship program strives to build a more ethnically diverse workforce at San Francisco utilities.
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a California representative urges Congress to include Bureau of Reclamation funding in the next COVID-19 stimulus package
Gender-diversity program slowly gains traction at Southern California water utility.
New mixing aerator system solves problematic lift station’s constant issues.
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a former water employee in Cartersville, Georgia, is sentenced to 18 months of house arrest for stealing water bill payments
Stanford University researchers discuss how a diversified water portfolio can meet California’s needs heading into an uncertain future.
Also in this week's sewer and water news, illegal sump pump connections are causing headaches for officials in a flooded Michigan city
Also in this week's sewer and water news, Denver Water announces it will begin a 15-year program to replace lead service lines
Santa Margarita takes a long-term approach to diversifying source water, meeting the needs of its customers.
Major rehab project saves failing sewer main and overcomes environmental concerns without excavation.