Emergencies can escalate when no plan is in place for how to handle them. Create an Emergency Response Plan to better prepare your operation.
A powerful but maneuverable machine was critical in completing the difficult job of removing 50 years' worth of debris
The JM-3080 Jet-Set from General Pipe Cleaners gives you the increased cleaning power of 8 gallons of flow per minute without compromising your pump
General’s muscular JM-3055 water jetter clears tough clogs in long lines for South Dakota plumbing pros
The portability of the General Pipe Cleaners electric jetter makes it perfect for this difficult job
Defect catalogs impact the entire wastewater industry, from city managers to camera operators
Water utility companies in earthquake zones must understand the threat these disasters pose and prepare for emergency situations
Wastewater that leaks out of defective pipe joints and cracks may contaminate ground and surface water and cause a host of other problems
The city of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, utilizes integrative mapping capabilities to execute a proactive inflow and infiltration strategy
Sewer work is dangerous. Keep safety top of mind with a free poster pack.