Elizabethton, Tennessee, has seen cost savings since merging its water and wastewater divisions into a single entity, allowing it to tackle overdue rehabilitation projects
For municipalities in cold-weather climates, winter will be here soon. From adjusting CIPP lining practices to winterizing jetters, here are some tips to keep in mind.
A simplified, more economical water leak locator with stronger sound amplification is perfect for pinpointing leaks in residential and commercial lines
Officials from the Johnson County (Kansas) wastewater department give viewers a look at a pipe inspection job and relining project
An emergency relining project in Albuquerque, New Mexico, highlights the importance of teaming up with local contractors
Ensure safety and efficiency when you install grout-less, mechanical point repair pipeline rehabilitation
Monitoring heat is essential to ensuring the quality and longevity of a CIPP liner installation
CIPP liner end seals help protect your rehabilitation work
Tuberculation and chipped pipes lead JPW Properties to Quick-Lock point repair
Cutters are critical to performing pipeline rehab, so do the job well with the right bit
Learn the basics of cooperative purchasing contracts with this free webinar
Even though the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, hasn't raised water/sewer rates in 10 years, residents are anxious about the money being spent on pipeline restorations
Levels of styrene and other compounds will be measured at different CIPP installation sites to capture variations in emissions and what effect it might have on workers and the public
Data logging on Hammerhead’s mobile mixing system offers a high level of quality control
Watch NozzTeq's Lumberjack cut through a 2x4 in this WWETT Show video
Trelleborg’s turnkey trailer is equipped so that pipe lining contractors can simply pull up to a job site and immediately be ready to work