At the No-Dig Show, municipalities and engineers discuss different ways utilities can start assessing their water and sewer systems in order to prioritize future work
Crushed porcelain from old toilets taken out of city schools is incorporated into rain gardens
The industry organization submitted comments to the EPA as the agency considers potential changes to the regulation
Study provides more information about how applying road salt in the winter and other factors are affecting the country’s water quality and infrastructure
Prevent corrosion and stop infiltration in wastewater structures
A concerted effort to identify and replace the most at-risk water mains is paying off for KC Water Services, as the utility has seen a drastic reduction in breaks
Rural Community Assistance Partnership video series delves into the details on storage infrastructure inspection and maintenance
WinCan software provided the rail company a strategic solution that enables engineers to visualize asset condition and plan future maintenance
The City of Lebanon Authority integrates WinCan software with GIS data in order to be more cost-effective and strategic in decision-making
In light of a new study attributing most of Flint, Michigan’s outbreak to changes in water supply, here’s information from an industry organization looking at Legionella bacteria and how to prevent it from contaminating a distribution system
The conversation about what FOG can do to sewers continues in a new exhibit at the Museum of London
Houston Water inspects its system for repairs and upgrades, and considers the lessons learned from Hurricane Harvey
Syracuse, New York, partners with the University of Chicago on a data algorithm that predicts which pipes are at the highest risk of failure
Less than two years after Rhinelander, Wisconsin’s overhaul of its downtown water and sewer infrastructure, the city had to dig up a portion of it to fix a broken waterline
As winter takes hold in 2018, the Madison (Wisconsin) Water Utility prepares by looking back to the most extreme season on record
From adjusting track tension to problem warning signs, here’s what you need to know to keep your machine in good shape