Cutting Nozzles - StoneAge WHR Switcher

The WHR Switcher from StoneAge has the same action as the WGR Switcher, but is designed for smaller pipes. The nozzles are engineered to allow operators to remotely switch between pulling and cleaning jets while the tool is in the pipe. When the pump is idled down and brought back to pressure, the tool will switch the water flow back and forth between two different jet patterns — a rear jet pattern for maximum pulling or flushing, and a side jet pattern for effective cleaning and cutting. This allows the same tool to switch between pulling and cleaning, reducing the time and water usage required to make multiple runs with different nozzles. It has a 3/4-inch hose inlet connection, navigates pipes 6 to 18 inches in diameter, and handles pressures up to 8,000 psi and flow rates up to 50 gpm. 970/259-2869;


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