Reduce Costs With SL-RAT Condition-Based Maintenance Program

Using transmissive acoustics, the SL-RAT provides blockage assessments in just 90 seconds, with no flow contact required. This enables a condition-based maintenance program that is 10 to 20 times faster and more cost-effective than traditional time-based cleaning methods.

To date, more than 1,500 communities have used the SL-RAT to assess over 400 million feet of gravity sewer lines. The data shows that, on average, 72% of sewer lines are in good condition, highlighting the value of condition-based maintenance. By focusing on the 28% of lines that actually need attention, municipalities can significantly reduce costs and water usage, improving overall efficiency.

InfoSense is the manufacturer of the Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SL-RAT), an award-winning acoustic inspection device designed to detect blockages in small-diameter gravity sewers. 

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