A water utility in northwest England is adding a cocker spaniel named Snipe to its arsenal of leak detection tools
Water utilities in California have to more carefully monitor and report their water loss data to comply with a law that officially went into effect toward the end of 2017. One water utility data management company looks closer at the new law’s effects.
Crews removed 93,000 pounds of plastic beads from catch basins along a main parade route prior to this year’s celebration
GeoInteractive is one of seven start-up companies participating in a water technology incubator to try to get its innovation out in the industry
Gary and Linda De Kock plan a fourth self-propelled voyage, this time down the Missouri River, to raise funds for Water For People
The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District uses a shipping container to build a sewer simulator that has become a valuable asset for educating customers
Syracuse, New York, partners with the University of Chicago on a data algorithm that predicts which pipes are at the highest risk of failure
From adjusting track tension to problem warning signs, here’s what you need to know to keep your machine in good shape
The San Jose Environmental Services Department looks beyond standard stormwater management methods to keep waterways clean
The analysis by the Alliance for Water Efficiency shows the U.S. could see economic growth of $13 to $15 billion by investing in water infrastructure